Thursday, February 20, 2014

Endgame and PVP In Tera Rising Online NA Servers

Most reviews I see about Tera Rising Online thus far has been about the beginning of the game. Exploring island of dawn which is the starting map and talking about the combat and such. But in this review I have been playing for 2 years and I will go in depth more about the patches that have come and gone and how endgame and pvp really is from a veteran standpoint. That being said lets jump right into it:
Questing and Leveling : Questing up to now has been boring for some and some really love it due to the always on your toes combat with each groups of mobs and BAMs (World Monsters/Bosses) which makes it fun. No spamming 1-9 while your gear carries you in this game. Skill is the key. Dodging, knowing your toons iframes and when to pot or heal if u play a healer and when to go for the smooth combo or burst damage skills is the key. Each class has its own way of doing this. I'll go into detail later on this in another blog about classes and what they are capable of. Leveling is done in these ways today: yellow exclamation mark quest above the npc heads for moderate xp, and story quests (which have cutscenes like a console rpg) , Bam soloing or partnering up all the way to 60 (this is done with xp boosts and knowing your toon well with healing potions as a dps or lancer, questing up to lvl 30 and being elgible to enter the equalized battleground known as Corsairs Stronghold for xp per win or loss. Pvp your way up to 60 basically, and lastly just knowing the spots with tons of mobs and using xp boosts as well. Old school grinding style...sounds boring but in tera the live combat makes it fun. So far I have 6 lvl 60s to this date and working on the new Reaper class (think Kratos) which comes out soon. the dungeons at lower lvl have single ones or group of 5 ones to do for stories and have there own unique look. This game questing overall as I would rate it in simple 5 Star Rating system is 5/5 for me. So fun to get to know your toon, blast some music when it gets 2nd nature and just kill stuff. Get careless and you die but that's the rush of it. (I would recommend a naga mouse for this game as TERA and the naga are a match made in gaming heaven).
Endgame For Pve: The endgame as of right now (new dungeons around the corner as I type this) is awesome tho some might say It doesn't have any. But most of those nay sayers have yet to complete their gear or even step foot into manaya's core hardmode (hardest dungeon in the game at the moment) There are a a lot of 60 instances to do to make gold and Farm your 2nd or 3rd best set for pve and some drops for pvp crafting regents to make the make the best set later know as visionmaker 2 (vm3 coming soon) Wonderholme is the 10 man raid that needs to be done in normal for the games 3rds best set known as steadfast, Wonderholme Hard Mode drops wonderhome gear (keen weapon and wh top can be used for pve/pvp at this point in patch) and You need to farm certain pvp credits to craft (visionmaker2 pve )and (visionmaker 2 pvp) 2 different sets. U need visiomaker 1 to make these as well, that means doing manaya's core hardmode for your shandra's quills to craft it. Some are satisfied with the wh keen weapons and top while making pvp gaunts and boots from pvp credits but ill get into that in the next topic. You can que up for some instances which is ok for some easy ones that are tank n spank 10 min - 15 min 3 man/5 man and 7 man instances. I suggest getting into a decent guild that does the Wonderholme and Manaya's Core instances on a daily basis. There are many other 60 instances for farming things to sell. 1 example is labryinth of terror and kelsaiks nest (Big Armored Dragon) that drop stuff you can sell at decent rates if you are dedicated and not a lazy player. That's the surface of it and with this quick look at the endgame for pve ill just say this. You do not have to pay to win to get this done. Only advantage for item mall emp buyers is quicker gold and first dibs on new costumes/mounts. Otherwise, farming has good drop rates on stuff to sell if u know how to do it and not scared to learn new dungeons you wouldn't think you could do as a duo or solo. Skill is the key to farming as is everything else. 1 last little thing is the cool achievements. u can get mounts and pets from them. And being one of the top ranked names in Crucible of Flame gives u a Fire Lion. Pretty sweet mount. Sirjuka Gallery gives u a Ghost Knight Helm for getting rank 1 with your group and it is the best looking helm in the game at this point in my opinion, Especially on Metal Gear type classes. My rating for pve and its content as of right now is 5/5. I always have something to do or que up for.
Just one of the dungeons, I wont spoil the rest unless you wanna go searching for the other videos yourself. Off to PVPEEEE!
Endgame PVP: For you bloodthirsty killers who like to show off your shiny armor and become the known gladiator throughout the servers, Ill get right into it. We'll start with Corsairs Stronghold. It is a 20 vs 20 battleground for level 30-60. It makes everyone 60 but don't think because it make a temporary 60 you will be on equal grounds. All equalized gear but if a 55+ wears pvp crystals in there slotted accessories known as zyrks and has there master glyphs (boosts to your skills) and they have all there skills in a good combo, u will be at a disadvantage. Tho in tera this is the beauty of it in Corsairs., a bad 60 can die to a really good lvl 45. Objectives (destroying opponents crystal) wins the round or game of 2 rounds of attack then defend or defend/attack depending on where the que puts you. Premade 60's with zyrks and master glyphs are hard to bear, especially when solo queing this. but if you just doing it for xp as a lower lvl then it doesn't matter as long as u are having fun. u get pvp credits known as bellacarium and killing spree to spend on stuff at a merchant later.
Next we have Fraywind Canyon. A 15 v 15 battleground u can go as a 5 man premade and que up or solo que. You wear whatever gear you have on uber or not. Usually this is the place for ppl with strikeforce/wonderholme and visionmaker 2 sets. It is based on first team to get to 5000 points by taking alters north/middle and south ones and BAMs (Bosses) that spawn at certain times for more points and you get points for killing ppl as well. Its a very fast paced pvp battleground due to no holding back your gear or buffs (aside from consumables). Be WARNED...if you come in here with not at least +9 wonderholme/strikeforce or vm2 you will be 1 or 2 shotted like if you are wearing paper armor. Very fun battleground if you are geared for it. The top 30 ranked can ride a unique mount called the battle charger. You get pvp credits win or lose here as well.
Next we have Champion Skyring: This is a 3v3 battleground. This is where major skill and knowing what your opponents 3 man combo is capable of. Lancer/Warrior/Mystic  Slayer/Archer/Priest and the list goes on and on. New patch today makes a equalized gear version of this battleground as well as going in with your crafted/regular gear. The best of the best come here to prove themselves worthy of high rankings. If someone disagrees with this, ask them to que a 3 man group with you. Chances are...they wont in the regular non-equalized version :P
There is another called kuma asylum. 10 players vs 3 player Kuma versions. Break a chest and take the crystal back to one of the spawn points. Easy enough right? We'll the kumas can 2-3 shot you as they are players in a kumas body with crazy movement and attack speed. They can be beatened with the right teamwork. But that's a low % chance you will get a team that works together. Its 15min but easy, fun way to farm credits for pvp gear. Candy boxes are given at the end of the fight with different prizes in side.
There is Alliance PVP: 3 Factions go at it when pvp is active in the alliance maps. People do the daily quests here and pvp quests for alliance points to rank up to echelon rank to get into Sundays alliance pvp events. This is where world pvp is most alive. Pvp servers have where outlaws (people in a state where all players are red to all others and all they see is red to players not in there guild) can kill you in regular open world. In alliance pvp, when pvp is on and active which is most of the time, your opposing faction is red and you can kill on site. Invisible bams is what most pvp for as it drops a expensive regent for crafting visionmaker 2 pvp set. Sometimes it gets a little crazy. 3 full 20 man raids vs others as whoever out zergs who and can get fun and hectic. Consumables/buffs/charms, All out war in this type of pvp.
Overall I'll rank the pvp in this game very very fun and fast paced. 5/5 Stars. But I warn that tera is not for everyone. If you can't aim or react fast to situations and you panic easy. Then old school tab targeting is for those type of players. Not knocking it. Those are still fun as I take them at face value and try not to compare them. But if u like this pace of pvp , I suggest you try it. New patches on the way every 6 ish months as the game is still growing with content all the time. 
That's it for now. Maybe I'll see you nubbeh's around!!!!

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